Our Philosophy

PREP Company accepts students regardless to race, sex, national origin, religion and economic status.

PREP Company is licensed by the Mississippi State Department Health Childcare Licensure.

Our caregivers and teachers are trained and certified in CPR and first Aid by the American Red Cross. Each staff receives training from the Mississippi Department of Human Services, Department Child Care Development (DECCD)

Our teachers and caregivers role is to guide and provide access to information rather than acting as primary source of information.
Our students are provided the knowledge they need to discover for themselves and practice skills in authentic situations. Our hands on activities provide adequate reinforcement lessons for individual opportunities to discover and learn.

Our Staff receives continuing education and training in Early Childhood Education annually.

PREP Company is a member of the Childcare Director’s Network, Alliance, Inc. an Organization made up of Childcare
Directors located through out Mississippi.

We feel that working with parents, community organizations, Junior and senior colleges and Universities and our local school districts is an investment in our children as well as an investment in the future. Each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring and stimulating atmosphere to grow physically and socially while also maturing intellectually.

Helping students to develop love and respect for themselves, others, and their environment occurs through an open and sharing of ideas when every student is heard.

Teaching is a lifelong process of learning about new philosophies and new strategies, learning from parents and the community.



Mrs. Eulonda Garry, Director at our Watkins Drive Location


Mrs. Jennifer Ratliff, Director at our North State Street location